Interventional Radiology (IR) is a sub-speciality of Radiology which uses imaging technology to perform minimally invasive procedures to diagnose and treat diseases or conditions.

Procedures are performed through thin tubes and do not require surgical incisions. By minimising the physical trauma to you, these interventions can reduce infection rates and recovery time, as well as shorten hospital stays. Some procedures do need to be carried out using sedation or under general anaesthetic.

Our Interventional Radiology team is made up consultant radiologists, radiographers, nurses, support staff as well as having its own clerical team.

The department at Aintree University Hospital, consists of two interventional theatres, an ultrasound procedure room and a five bedded post-operative recovery area. 

The department at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, is made up of two interventional theatres and an ultrasound procedure room. All patients are recovered in the theatre recovery area.

Some procedures cannot be performed on both our sites due to equipment and other specialist teams that may need to be available.

We are also the regional tertiary referral centre for complex interventions and provide a 24/7 consultant lead emergency/on-call service assisted by nursing and radiological staff. 

Aintree University Hospital

IR Admin & Booking Team 
0151 529 2925 

IR Co-ordinator
0151 529 2368

IR Lead Nurse 
0151 529 3637 

IR Lead Radiographer 
0151 529 3666 

Monday to Friday, 8am–5pm


This email is only for general enquires not urgent referrals/queries.

Royal Liverpool University Hospital  

IR Admin & Booking Team
0151 706 2744/0151 706 2748 

IR Lead Nurse
0151 706 5401 

IR Deputy Lead Radiographer
0151 706 10591

IR Lead Radiographer
0151 706 5323  

Monday to Friday, 8am–5pm


This email is only for general enquires not urgent referrals/queries.

More information

We accept referrals from consultants within the LUHFT network and the region. We also accept requests from external sources for complex and specialised procedures.

We unfortunately do not accept referrals via GPs.

A number of our procedures require pre-operative appointments with our consultant or nursing team prior.

Aintree University Hospital - The Interventional Radiology department is based on the ground floor of the main hospital building.

Royal Liverpool University Hospital - The Interventional Radiology department is based in the main theatre complex on the second floor.