The Outpatients Department may be your first point of contact with St Paul’s if you’ve been referred by your GP.

There are a number of clinics and treatments delivered here and we see a lot of patients every day.

Most patients attending Outpatients (except glaucoma patients) will need drops into their eyes, so we advise you not to drive to your appointment.

We also hold glaucoma outpatient clinics in the South Liverpool NHS Treatment Centre in Garston. If you would prefer to attend the Garston clinic, please let us know on 0151 706 3964.

On arrival, please check-in with the outpatient reception desk. You may need to see an optician, orthoptist or have a field test before you see the doctor. You’ll be directed to the appropriate service.

If you are having a visual acuity test, we may need to put drops in your eyes to dilate (open) your pupils so you can be examined by the doctor. It will take 15–30 minutes for your pupils to dilate. You may also have the pressure in your eye checked.

During your consultation the doctor may send you for further tests, which might involve a return visit to the clinic. If the doctor decides that you need surgery, we’ll arrange for you to have a pre-operative assessment.

You might be referred to St Paul’s Eye Unit by the Emergency department, your GP, or an optician.

Unless specified in your clinic letter, please do not arrive more than 15 minutes before your appointment time.

We aim to keep your waiting time as short as possible, however sometimes there are unavoidable delays due to emergencies.

After your outpatient appointment

After your consultation you’ll be given a slip to give to staff at reception. If you require an appointment for a speciality clinic or have to return within six weeks, the receptionist will book your appointment before you leave. If you require a follow-up appointment in a general clinic for more than six weeks’ time, you‘ll be placed onto an outpatient waiting list and contacted by the St Paul’s Eye Unit call centre.

If you are a cataract patient who requires surgery you may need a biometry (measurement of your eye) and a pre-operative assessment on the same day. You may also be given the date for your surgery before you leave.

St Paul’s Eye Unit
Lower Ground Floor

We also have a community centre at:

South Liverpool Treatment Centre
32 Church Road
L19 2LW

The centre is open 8am-8pm and can be contacted on 0151 295 9000.