The Emergency Department (ED) Psychology team support people who have attended Aintree University Hospital ED with persistent physical symptoms or long-term conditions, where it is identified that psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety and mood problems, are contributing to their difficulties.

Living with persistent physical symptoms and conditions can cause difficult feelings, such as hopelessness, anxiety and sadness, and make managing day-to-day challenging. Understanding and managing these feelings can help people to cope better and more effectively manage their symptoms. The service offers assessment, brief intervention and signposting to local services. We use a variety of therapeutic models to support people to understand the relationship between biological, psychological and social factors and help them move into a valued life.

The service has good links with external services/organisations to facilitate onwards referral for further support if appropriate. Or, following assessment, where a referral is deemed not appropriate for us, we can advise or refer on to a community service better suited to meet their existing needs.

The team also works closely with ED colleagues and external high intensity use services to provide training, reflective practice and consultation.

More information

Referrals can be made to the team via ICE. Please note only patients who have accessed Aintree ED can be referred by a clinician for support.

All referrals are subject to an opt-in process, where patients will be contacted prior to being offered an appointment.

Waiting times vary, however, generally all patients will be offered an appointment within four weeks of referral. Face-to-face, telephone and video appointments are offered.

Dr Hannah Traynor, Principal Clinical Psychologist, PYL36005

After qualifying as a Clinical Psychologist in 2018, Hannah has worked in stroke and ED services at LUHFT. She supports people to manage the challenges following stroke and difficulties associated with persistent physical symptoms which can lead people to seek help from A&E. She has a particular interest in positive psychology principles and supporting people to explore their potential when living with health conditions. She has completed extra training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and is currently completing additional neuropsychology training.

Dr Helen Niccolls, Principal Clinical Psychologist, PYL37418

Helen completed her clinical training in 2019 and has worked at LUHFT with a primary focus in stroke and ED services ever since. She has a keen interest in looking at adjustment to stroke and management of persistent physical health difficulties, through a biopsychosocial lens. She strives to support people holistically to make meaningful change and explore ways to improve quality of life whist living with a physical health condition. She is currently completing some additional Neuropsychology training.