Our Hepatology and medical Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary (HPB) service care for patients with diseases affecting their liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.

Our experienced team of medical and nursing specialists provide both inpatient and outpatient services on site, treating a diverse range of liver conditions. These include:

  • Alcohol related liver disease
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Viral hepatitis
  • Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Primary biliary cholangitis
  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis
  • Cirrhosis
  • Portal hypertension
  • Metabolic liver disease.

We also provide a regional service for the management of:

  • Hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Cholangiocarcinoma
  • Complex ERCP
  • ERCP and cholangioscopy (SpyGlass)
  • Complex biliary diseases
  • Portal Hypertension and TIPSS / IR interventions
  • Liver transplantation.


We’re based on Wards 10 and 11. Both are 26-bedded wards, with ten side rooms on each.

These wards are looked after by a Ward Manager, and our team of consultants care for liver patients supported by a team of registrars and junior doctors. 

Alongside admitting local patients requiring care from Aintree’s Emergency Department and Acute Medical Unit, as a regional service we also accept transfers from Cheshire and Merseyside for hepatobiliary interventions and portal hypertension interventions, as well as ‘treat and transfer’ for some procedures.


We support and provide care to liver patients through a range of outpatient and specialist clinics. These include:

  • General hepatology (liver disease)
  • Autoimmune liver disease
  • Liver transplant (pre and post-transplant)
  • Hepatobiliary diseases
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Haemochromatosis
  • Viral Hepatitis
  • Cholangiocarcinoma follow up clinic
  • Alcohol care team.

We also offer ambulatory care for patients with liver disease, including day case paracentesis (drainage of abdominal fluid) on the Aintree site.

Aintree University Hospital hosts the regional medical hepatobiliary service. As a part of this, we have an established hepatobiliary endoscopy service comprising endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), endoscopic retrograde cholangiography and pancreatography (ERCP) and complex ERCP.

The tertiary (specialist) ERCP performed at Aintree includes all treatments for proximal or peri-hilar disease (often cholangiocarcinoma) as well as a well-established cholangioscopy service using SpyGlass cholangioscopy for both evaluation and diagnosis of strictures, and management of complex biliary stones (gallstones) unable to be removed using conventional techniques.

We can combine EUS guided bile duct punctures for biliary access where conventional cannulation is not possible, and with interventional radiology supported techniques in combination with our experienced and expert interventional radiologists.

If a patient is jaundiced with a proximal obstruction, we will arrange to bring the patient over to Aintree as an inpatient for the appropriate care, whilst also planning their forward management within the wider primary liver multi-disciplinary team. Tertiary ERCPs are either performed following transfer of patients or as a ‘treat and transfer’ case on a given day.

Aintree University Hospital hosts the regional medical hepatobiliary service. As a part of this, we have an established hepatobiliary endoscopy service comprising endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), endoscopic retrograde cholangiography and pancreatography (ERCP) and complex ERCP.

The tertiary (specialist) ERCP performed at Aintree includes all treatments for proximal or peri-hilar disease (often cholangiocarcinoma) as well as a well-established cholangioscopy service using SpyGlass cholangioscopy for both evaluation and diagnosis of strictures, and management of complex biliary stones (gallstones) unable to be removed using conventional techniques.

We can combine EUS guided bile duct punctures for biliary access where conventional cannulation is not possible, and with interventional radiology supported techniques in combination with our experienced and expert interventional radiologists.

If a patient is jaundiced with a proximal obstruction, we will arrange to bring the patient over to Aintree as an inpatient for the appropriate care, whilst also planning their forward management within the wider primary liver multi-disciplinary team. Tertiary ERCPs are either performed following transfer of patients or as a ‘treat and transfer’ case on a given day.

Aintree hepatology hosts the regional Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) service for Cheshire, Merseyside, North Wales and the Isle of Man as well as parts of Lancashire. 

We have a weekly multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meeting, and will see new referrals the following week to discuss treatment options. 

We can offer all available treatments for HCC within Liverpool other than liver transplant, but link in with the transplant unit at Birmingham to include liver transplantation. As a regional cancer service, the MDT includes colleagues from across the Trust, as well as the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre.

The HCC treatments available in Liverpool include:

  • Liver resection for HCC
  • Percutaneous ablation (microwave, radiofrequency or ethanol injection)
  • Trans-Arterial ChemoEmbolization (TACE)
  • Stereotactic Ablative Body Radiotherapy (SABR)
  • Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT)
  • Systemic therapies (including Immunotherapies)

We have a very close working relationship with the liver transplant unit in Birmingham, and have a dedicated liver transplant clinic run by our transplant trained hepatologists to support patients in the lead up to a liver transplant, and for follow up post liver transplant.

We oversee the medications required for anti-rejection purposes and blood monitoring, as well as looking out for complications of the transplant.

The Aintree hepatology service has an active research portfolio. We are currently, or have recently, recruited to clinical trials for several liver diseases including: 

  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 
  • Hepatocellular Carcinoma 
  • Cholangiocarcinoma 
  • Alcoholic liver disease 
  • Alcoholic hepatitis 
  • Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis 
  • Primary Biliary Cholangitis 
  • Decompensated Cirrhosis

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Research / Services

Dr Theresa Hydes and Prof Daniel Cuthbertson are leading on several original research studies for NAFLD based between the University of Liverpool (Department of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine) and Aintree University Hospital. 

We have an active Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) group for NAFLD research. This group has help informed research priorities and advised on research design. If you would like to be involved, please email liverppi@liverpoolft.nhs.uk.

Active studies

  • Patient Preferences for NAFLD care: Recruiting people with NAFLD, or at risk of NAFLD to undertake in-depth discussions regarding preferences for NAFLD care. For more information, click here or email: nafldpp@liverpool.ac.uk
  • CALIBRATE (MetaboliC, multi-orgAn and microvascular effects of a Low-calorIe diet in younger oBese with pRediabetEs and/or metabolic syndrome): Recruiting people 18-55 years, with obesity plus pre-diabetes / NAFLD / metabolic syndrome to receive a low-calorie diet or standard care. For more information, email: calibr8@liverpool.ac.uk 
  • Kirkby Metabolic Liver Clinic: In partnership with Millbrook Medical Centre, we have established a community based metabolic liver clinic where patients can undergo screening for NAFLD and received a management for cardiometabolic multimorbidity. 

More information

Patients can be referred to Hepatology via:

  • Primary care (GPs) 
  • Following a hospital admission
  • From other specialist doctors within the hospital.

In addition to this, we receive referrals from other NHS services around the region, as we are a core part of the liver cancer service for Cheshire and Merseyside (including North Wales and the Isle of Man).


Ward 10 and 11
Aintree University Hospital
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Longmoor Lane
L9 7AL


Most outpatient clinics take place in Clinic 8 in the Elective Care Centre. However, phone and video appointments are also available.

Please check the type of appointment and clinic address and on your appointment letter before attending your appointment.