Our Acute Medicine Unit (AMU) looks after medical patients who come through our Emergency Department (ED).

The units operate in close proximity to ED, and admit patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

AMU at Aintree University Hospital is split into two areas, AMU 1 and AMU 2. AMU 1 contains four beds for patients who require continuous one-to-one care, two side rooms for patients who require isolation for infection prevention, and seven male and seven female beds, for patients who need further assessment before being sent home. AMU 2 has 25 short-stay general beds, with patients expecting discharge within 24 to 48 hours.

AMU is also within close proximity to Ambulatory Emergency Care (AEC). If a patient in AEC cannot be sent home following an initial assessment, they will be sent to AMU and may need to stay overnight for further care.

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Referrals to the Acute Medicine Unit are made via our Emergency Department.