Council of Governors meetings are held on a quarterly basis throughout the year.

Foundation Trust members are welcome to attend Council of Governors meetings and listen to how the Trust is developing its services.

Please contact the Corporate Governance Office in advance if you would like to attend, so that meeting details can be provided.

Phone: 0151 529 6924


Post: Corporate Governance Officer, Second Floor, Aintree Lodge, Aintree University Hospital, Lower Lane Liverpool, L9 7AL

Past events

    • Council of Governors Meeting

      Event date and time: 31 March 2024, 3.00pm-5.00pm

      Event Categories:

      • Council of Governor Meetings

      Event description:

      Council of Governors meetings are held on a quarterly basis throughout the year. Foundation Trust members are welcome to attend Council of Governors meetings and listen to how the Trust is developing its services.

    • Council of Governors Meeting

      Event date and time: 30 November 2023, 3.00pm-5.00pm

      Event Categories:

      • Council of Governor Meetings

      Event description:

      Council of Governors meetings are held on a quarterly basis throughout the year. Foundation Trust members are welcome to attend Council of Governors meetings and listen to how the Trust is developing its services.

Meeting papers

Thumbnail Title Date Posted
folder icon 2023 13/07/2023
folder icon 2022 13/07/2023
folder icon 2021 13/07/2023
folder icon 2020 13/07/2023